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Baby--it's cold outside!


HotDiamonds.jpgAs we’re plunging into yet another week of sub-zero wind chill temps, I find myself wondering—am I just getting used to this or have my cold weather coping mechanisms finally kicked in? I ran to the grocery store tonight because I needed cat food—believe me I wouldn’t have stopped for any other reason—and in the parking lot I found myself chatting with a woman who pulled up next to me. She asked me if I liked my Seabring convertible! Yes, I replied—more so in July than right at this moment—but yes I love my convertible.

So what’s gotten into me? How have I made my peace with this wicked cold spell?

Well, sleep, glorious sleep—early to bed, early to rise—a quick little jog on the dusty old treadmill in the corner of the bedroom—and then lots of morning coffee while I noodle around on the Internet to catch up on the important stuff like my horoscope. And that’s just for starters. Here are some of my other winter coping mechanisms…

1) Hanging a Hawaii calendar over my desk

2) Slathering on lots of lotions and potions—get messy, it works!

3) A new humidifier (who ever thought I get excited about that!)

4) MSNBC—the perfect alternative to the gray CNN and red FOX for all of us political junkies—and what a year it is!

5) Charlie Meowski—my new cuddle puss—this guy is a rescue and a real sweetheart.

6) Netflix—delivered right to your door—or mailbox as the case may be.

7) Sterling Cabernet—I’m a red wine girl.

8) Aveeno soothing bath treatments—whoever invented these things must have known what they were doing.

9) Carbs—the natural comfort food—what can I say—bathing suit weather is months away.

10) Binding my new Kaffe Fassett Hot Diamonds quilt!

There’s nothing like putting a binding on a big quilt project in the dead of winter. This one took me a couple of nights, all curled up under mounds of fabric, Mr. Meowski on one side, my cabernet on the other. I threw in a Netflix and dreamt of the hot summer nights to come. Sometimes it’s nice to simply stitch methodically and enter into a winter Zen zone—toasty and warm—content and happy to be finishing something wonderful.

cu soon,


Posted on Tuesday, February 19, 2008 at 09:24PM by Registered CommenterQuiltology | CommentsPost a Comment

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